Today marked the further relaxation of some of the measures imposed because of lockdown. I won’t say anything about my opinions of the government’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis, let’s just it isn’t favourable. To be honest I think the end of lockdown is going too quickly especially as the R number is supposedly increasing
The book and record shops are opening again. Yes, I know, that’s getting my priorities wrong. A world without book and record stores would be a poorer place. I have spent many an hour just browsing their shelves, usually followed by a coffee soon after. It would be the perfect way to spend a night after work or a weekend.
Despite the queues around the blocks for stores like Primark, I can’t say I will be joining everyone. I’ll wait, I’m in no rush to get back to shopping in-store. I’m happy that I can now get shopping deliveries from my supermarket and the clothes I need or want I’ll get them online for now.
I have been maintaining my lockdown of sorts. I have barely ventured out beyond the walks and when I visit my mum in her garden. I will keep on doing that for the time being. The record and books stores can wait for now.
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